Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Playin' Catch Up from the YEAR 2011

It's officially time to play a little game of "catch up!" 2011 was quite the eventful eventful I haven't had a blog post since last summer. Pretty sad, huh?

Let me start off by picking up with the most exciting thing that happened since last June...

Josh and I announced we were going to be parents! We found out in October and couldn't wait to shout it across the country to all of our friends and family. We announced it to our families and just a couple friends as soon as we found out the news; however, it wasn't until much later that we "officially" announced our little peanut's upcoming arrival on the well-known social network...facebook.

"Before I made you in your mother's womb, I CHOSE YOU."
The love we felt for this sweet blessing so early on is nothing that can be described in one blog post alone. We felt and continue to feel so overwhelmed with happiness with each passing day. It wasn't until December 6th that we heard our angel's heartbeat for the very first time at a whopping 161 bpm. This was a day we will never forget as long as we live. There is nothing like that moment when you get to see such a tiny, yet large creation from our Heavenly Father. What a gift! But...July seemed sooo far away at the time. This is when mommy and daddy would have to learn patience. A whole new kind of patience...because it was now time to sit back and enjoy the journey of PREGNANCY. Yikes...& with all of the smiles and tears of happiness came many days of being plum, plain sick...sick as a DOG. There were days I didn't think I would eeeever make it through, but I managed to slip right on through that first trimester after many scares, doctor visits (even hospital visits), an IV due to dehydration...and did I mention the stomach virus? BARF.

Sooooo...then comes our little celebration trip and "babymoon" to Gatlinburg, TN the week after Christmas. We left on a Wednesday (28th) and spent the rest of the week/weekend in the mountains ringing in what will be the most memorable and life changing years of our lives...2012. The year that our sweet baby will make his appearance into the world.

Then on January 31st @ Baby's Kickin'...guess what???

We found out we were having a baby...BOY!

That following weekend we had a gender reveal party with our close friends and family. We were able to finally announce the upcoming arrival of our sweet...

Gunnar Lane Herndon

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