Friday, March 4, 2011

Hello World of Bloggers.

Hello there. First of all...T.G.I.F.

Okay, so we have officially joined the blogging society and have decided to start spreading all of our juicy life happenings to the rest of the world.

I have only ONE...problem. I'm not digging only being able to choose from five fonts to post my ever-so-amazing blogs. Get with it, people. I teach school here. We. Need. Fonts. Okay, now back to our grand entrance...(Attention Future Followers: Beware of Random Blogger)

As for the main reason for my starting this blog, whelp, I am tired of pretending that I am going to create a scrapbook of the past five years for my future kiddos to enjoy from the day my precious husband and I first met (May 29, 2006 <--Sorry, I had to.). In all seriousness, I would give anything in this world to have detail after detail of what life was like for my parents from dating until my brother, Michael, and I entered this world. So, needless to say, here we are.

Over the course of the next few weeks, we (or rather "I" if we are being honest...ha) plan to play the ultimate game of "catch-up!" I am going to travel back a few years and see if I cannot venture back into 2006 when I met my best friend and husband, Joshua Lane Herndon. (blushing) He is my little creampuff might I add...

Signing off for now...that is until I can figure out how to work this whole thing. I am a tad bit of a computer geek, so it shouldn't take long if I can learn how to balance my time between my obsession of watching Snooki, lesson plans, learning how to cook, stalking people on facebook, and life.

Until next time, America...
I'll see ya' soon then. (Dear John is one my favs fa' sho.)


  1. Love it Meg! Soooooo very proud, and selfishly excited you got it going! I've added you to my blog list. :)

  2. YAYYY!!! Can't wait to see what is to come :)

  3. Hey Megan! Love your blog! I found a cool website with free fonts :)
